K-PHIT is a Christian Fitness Training Program that incorporates God’s perspective of biblical health, nutrition and wellness principles with the National Academy of Sports Medicine’s, Optimum Performance Training model. It combines a scientific evidence-based fitness program, nutritional counseling, and biblical tools to create an effective and winning training program for your short-term goals and long-term health maintenance.

Who is K-PHIT for? It is for everyone; although our clients are geared toward veterans and those who suffer from comorbidity (multiple chronic health conditions). Let me say, K-PHIT Training and the NASM OPT Model were designed to create customizable fitness plans for various individuals and fitness levels.

Will it work for me? Fitness and nutrition are not a one-size fits all. You are unique and God made your body just as unique, this also applies to your mind and spirit. Everyone is at a different level since we are all each one-of-a-kind creation. Will-power, hard-work and resolutions are likely to diminish over time, dwindle away or completely dissipate. WHY? Well…LIFE. It has a way of throwing curve balls at you and these factors can intensify your stress.

At K-PHIT, our clients’ testimonials serve as a testament to the transformative impact of our holistic approach to fitness. From veterans to fitness enthusiasts, individuals from diverse backgrounds have found success and fulfillment in our program. They praise our personalized fitness plans, which are tailored to their unique needs and goals, as well as the supportive community that fosters encouragement and accountability.

Here’s what our clients have to say about their experience with K-PHIT: